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  • [BoB News] Hiss & Spit: Palaeophis Patch!

    New Playable Creature: The Palaeophis
    Welcome our the newest creature to the Beasts of Bermuda roster. The Palaeophis! The Palaeophis is our first playable snake, and, being a snake, it has come with a tremendous amount of new challenges. First of all, the Palaeophis has a totally unique mode of movement. Rather than walking or running, it instead slithers and glides along the ground. The player will notice the Palaeophis is capable of scaling very steep terrain and can even climb trees or other objects. The Palaeophis can also periscope, standing tall with its head up off the ground by holding the jump key. If the Palaeophis has insufficient contact with the ground or an object it is climbing, it will fall. The quality of your contact with the surface you're on is represented by a bar that shows up while climbing. If it goes to empty, you fall.

    Additionally, while playing the Palaeophis, you can choose from one of three specializations when you first spawn in. These specializations are Terrestrial, Semi-Aquatic, or Aquatic. These specializations give the Palaeophis different talent trees and baseline stats suited for its environment.

    The Palaeophis has a special new resource called Venom. The player can, at any time, toggle between whether or not they'd prefer to use their Venom or not by pressing the Special key. While using Venom, all attacks inflict Venom damage when they successfully hit, but it also costs some of your Venom resource to use. If you run out of Venom, you cannot inflict any more Venom damage. Additionally, Venom can only be regenerated while sitting down, so use it carefully while hunting! If you choose to toggle your Venom off, you will instead do dry bites. Dry bites inflict more regular damage but deal no Venom damage and use no Venom resource.

    Venom reduces the rate at which a player's Ability and Stamina regenerate and, at extreme values, may actively deplete your stamina. Ability can never actively deplete from Venom, but it can stop regenerating. Note that this is an experimental implementation of Venom and that we are open to ideas and suggestions regarding how it works. Another implementation we're considering is that it instead reduces your maximum Ability and Stamina instead. Venom heals more quickly while sitting or resting.

    Venom is a rather new type of status condition that the Palaeophis specializes in dealing. Venom applies a static drain to both your Stamina and Ability Power. This drain is negated from the rate at which you would normally regenerate Ability and Stamina. The more Venom you have applied to you, the harsher the drain. If the drain rate gets greater than the regeneration rate of your Stamina or Ability Power, the respective resource will begin decreasing instead. All mechanics that influence Stamina or Ability Power regeneration can help thwart the effects of Venom, such as sitting down or resting, bottom-walking, having high food, water, and comfort, or taking the Endurance and Persistence talents. Venom's degenerative capabilities have been tuned such that players with high food, water, comfort, and Persistence talented will always continue regenerating Ability Power, even with 100%

    All three Palaeophis specializations can shed its skin, which it can do only while sitting. Shedding your skin allows you to remove all bleed damage.

    The Terrestrial and Semi-Aquatic Palaeophis can enter a coiled state while on land. While coiled up, it can strike for additional bite damage or spit venom at its opponents. When successfully hitting another player with Venom Spit, they will receive a blinding effect similar to that of Ory's Sand Attack and will also receive venom damage. Only the Terrestrial Palaeophis has access to the Defensive Coil and Venom Spitter talents.

    The Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Palaeophis can both use Dart while swimming.

    All Palaeophis specializations receive a buff called Frenzy when they successfully strike with an attack. Frenzy grants a temporary speed boost and can stack multiple times. Each time Frenzy is re-applied, the timer resets, allowing the Palaeophis to keep its speed rather high while in continuous combat.

    All three Palaeophis specializations can also regurgitate some of their food to gain several stacks of Frenzy. The regurgitated food will get spit up as a bile-colored carcass that never provides satiation.

    The Aquatic Palaeophis is 30% larger under all circumstances, has significantly higher weight and base health, and has the Elusive talent

    Palaeophis Mating and Specializations
    +Two Palaeophis can mate with one-another regardless of specialization. The children will always have the same specialization as the mother. If the father does not have a talent the mother does due to having different specializations, the inherits for that talent will roll twice from the mother's side. This should keep the quality of the inherits your offspring get consistent regardless of whether or not the parents have different specializations.
    +An Aquatic Palaeophis gives live birth like other aquatics. The other specializations make nests on land and lay eggs.

    The Palaeophis has several unique, new talents that are designed to enhance various aspects of its kit. Each Palaeophis specialization has its own talent tree.
    +Snake Senses: Provides all the benefits of Keen Senses. In addition, with one, two, or three talent points invested, the Palaeophis can see how much venom has been applied, water, and then food of a target while sniffing it.
    +Venom Spitter: Increases the duration of the blinding effect of Venom Spit, increases its range, and reduces the Ability and Venom resource cost of using Venom Spit.
    +Defensive Coil: Reduces how much damage you take while coiled.
    +Ready to Run: Reduces the amount of food required to use Regurgitate, and increases how many stacks of Frenzy you gain from using Regurgitate
    +Snake Blood: Provides the benefits of both Constitution and Clotting as one talent
    +Frenzy Fortitude: Increases the maximum amount of Frenzy stacks you can have, and additionally slightly increases the speed bonus received by each stack of Frenzy.
    +Venomous: Increases the maximum amount of Venom resource you have. Additionally, increases the rate at which you regenerate your Venom resource. Increases how much Venom resource you receive and decreases how much negative comfort bias you receive from eating poisonous objects such as mushrooms
    +Lethal Fangs: Increases the amount of Venom damage you deal with all attacks.

    Other Details about the Palaeophis
    +You can see how much Venom resource you have by opening the Character screen. Note that your Venom resource can only regenerate while sitting down or while resting.
    +The Palaeophis' specialization shows up as an icon next to the gender icon on the save select screen, and shows up on the Character screen next to your gender icon
    +The Palaeophis has a dance emote. It requires the Beasts of Bermuda Original Soundtrack to use.
    +If you reincarnate as a Palaeophis, your reincarnation will have the same specialization
    +Palaeophis' food and water drain rates match that of the Tyrannosaurus rex
    +You cannot deal Venom damage to a creature that has its shield intact. This is currently only relevant for the Archelon.
    +The default max group size for the Palaeophis is 6
    +Palaeophis from different specializations can group with one-another
    +The Special key toggle between dry and venomous bites has text that tells the player that dry bites do more damage
    +The Palaeophis does not consume venom on its bites if it misses with its bite attack or bites an AI while in venom mode
    +Venom for Palaeophis phases in between 0.6 and 0.9 growth. Below 0.6 growth, you deal significantly reduced venom damage
    +The Palaeophis responds to tail hits. The tail must be far away from the head for it to count as a tail hit
    +The Palaeophis regurgitates fish carcasses if it has eaten more fish than meat in its diet

    +Added the following new skins for Palaeophis:
    -Blue Beauty by DJZ & Twilightwolf
    -Keelback by Natahi4 & Valhalla
    -Mangrove by Twilightwolf
    -Oxidized by Lifeon
    -RedHead by Natahi4 & GamevideosforLife
    -RedTail by Croww & Valhalla
    -Viper by Natahi4 & Twilightwolf
    -Watersnake by Natahi4 & Twilightwolf
    -Woma by Valhalla & Croww
    -Tricolor by Twilightwolf & Croww

    +New Titania map expansion: Titan's Rise
    Titan's Rise expansion covers the entire area of the central mountain on the map. It is a mountainous biome with narrow passages, steep cliffs, high elevations, and deep winding caves. The biome offers clean water sources, but less plant life and salt.

    +Moved the Survival Shrine to Titan's Rise. There is now a survival minishrine and a hunter-gatherer village at the old location.
    +Added a high elevation ambient sound that plays around the tip of Titan's Rise and across the whole map at this height.
    +Expanded the ocean from Ashen Island to Outlands

    +Added new foliage: Torbernite_Mineral_1,2,3 It is a toxic radioactive rock which can be eaten to replenish health in exchange for heavy comfort damage.

    Other New Stuff
    +Added Power, Survival, and Speed Deity music tracks to the deity shrines on Isla Titania
    +Added new Pachy skin: River Rock by Valhalla
    +Added new pachy materials + new detail mask for scutes and body Keratin, by Valhalla
    +Added new mutation: Axanthism: the inability to produce yellow pigment, often resulting in blue, black and white coloration on feathered and scaly animals. Axanthism is a similar rarity to its opposite: Xanthochromism (excess of yellow pigment).

    +Admin: You must now have mod permissions on a server to search for a player by their Steam ID in the player list
    +Admin: Using ResurrectPlayer on a player's dead creature now causes it to spawn at a random, appropriate spawn point rather than resurrecting where they died
    +Admin: Added a new server config variable. bDisableLeaderboard. When true, the Leaderboard is disabled on the server.

    Foliage Placement Tool
    +You can now add a z offset to the eraser. The up and down arrows now also move the eraser up and down
    +Using the arrow keys to move an object's placement location up or down now properly updates the Z offset text field in the Foliage Placement Tool's UI
    +Added an AI Spawn Inhibitor actor to the Foliage Placement Tool. Any AI spawners within the green sphere of an AI Spawn Inhibitor will no longer spawn AI, and will also destroy any AI currently active from the spawner when the inhibitor is placed.
    +Seaweeds_Seaweed2_1, _2, and _3 no longer have collision
    +The Foliage Placement Tool Kapok tree can no longer be knocked down
    +Disabled SM_pine_j and SM_pine_j_winter from the foliage placement tool due to issues these foliages were having

    +Added the following sets of objects to the Foliage Placement Tool:
    DEC_SM_Cliff 1 to 7
    SM_AncientCoin 1, 3, 7
    SM_DebrisSmall A, G, I, J
    SM_DecorPillar A, B
    SM_EntryRock 1 to 3
    SM_Generic_Rock A to E
    SM_GroundStone 1 to 7
    SM_MushroomNucleus A to H
    SM_Bridge A, B
    SM_Floor 3x3, 3x6, 6x6
    SM_Floor_Piece A to D
    SM_Pillar 2x3_A, 2x3_B, 2x6, 3x6
    SM_Wall 2x6_A, 2x6_B, 4x3_A, 4x6, 6x6
    SM_WallArchway 12x3, 3x3, 3x6, 6x3
    SM_WallRock A to C
    BaseRock 1 to 16
    BaseRockFlat 1 to 16
    UCX_WoodBridge 1, 2
    WoodPillar 1 to 3
    Rock 1 to 10
    RoundStone 1 to 9
    +Added SM_LCave_P_Floor_Terrain 01 to 09 and Hill to the Foliage Placement Tool
    +Added Dry Tropic trees to placeable foliage

    +Fixed: All solid objects placed with the foliage placement tool with a number that starts with a non-zero digit immediately after an underscore no longer causes server-side log spam and causes the client's location to appear glitchy and rotation to appear rotated upwards on non-owning clients. Examples include SM_LCave_P_Mesa_12, SM_LCave_P_Column_48, and any other object with similar nomenclature. It's unknown if other objects may also have had this issue at times. It was an uninitialized variable being used in part of the name of these objects that caused random and problematic behavior.

    Mechanics Changes
    +Mechanics: Capped the number of abandoned eggs that can be present on the map for each species to 12 so servers aren't flooded with unwanted eggs
    +Mechanics: Malawania no longer aggro to the Archelon on sight unless they are 0.55 growth or bigger
    +Mechanics: Increased model growth scaling for all growths 1.2 and beyond.
    +Mechanics: Added a new status condition called Near Parents. You must be below 0.7 growth and near one of your parents to receive this buff. While this buff is active, you receive a comfort boost and are more resistant to the effects of weather.
    +Mechanics: You now have the option to bless for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes at deity shrines for all blessing types
    +Mechanics: Reincarnation now should more reliably give you inherits in the talents you've invested into if you would otherwise have gotten a below-average set of inherits. It has extra bad luck protection added into it now. This bad luck protection accounts for the quality of your Trials, making the bad luck protection stronger on dinosaurs that have higher quality Trials. It also accounts for creature growth, so creatures with more talent points invested should now more reliably get a solid count of inherits after reincarnating.
    +Mechanics: Increased the rate at which players gain talent points on Free Roam such that all talents can be maxed out at 3.6 Growth.
    +Mechanics: All players now have two additional save slots. These save slots will automatically show up on your save profile and work exactly as other slots.
    +Mechanics: Added the Leaderboard mechanic to the Free Roam game mode. Players will see their growth updated on the leaderboard each time they log off of a creature while on Free Roam. The Leaderboard still functions the same on Life Cycle. Note it can be disabled via a new server config variable.
    +Mechanics: The talent, Arboreal, now allows you to lay Arboreal Nests if you cannot do so baseline if you have 3 points invested into the talent; including inherits.
    +Added new keybind: Special 2. This keybind now toggles the Venom resource for the Palaeophis. The Elusive ability is now bound to the Special key for the Palaeophis.
    -Note you may need to reset your keybinds to see the new Special 2 keybind

    Quality of Life
    +QoL: You can now choose to keep your inherits when reincarnating, allowing players to just reroll their skin if they wish to do so
    +QoL: Improved Pachy walk animation, added banking to its sprint and charge, made the headbutt animation more extreme
    +QoL: Straightened out Tyrannosaurus' back when its walking
    +QoL: +The talent UI now separates core talent points from bonus talent points in its UI text. This shows the player how many talent points they will receive upon reaching 1.32 Growth, and describes any talent points earned beyond this to be bonus points. The UI also now shows you what growth you must achieve to get your next talent point.
    +QoL (public): Lowered volume on Pteranodon sleep, Velo sleep, Sai idle, Pachy idle, and Beelzebufo broadcast roar sounds by 50%
    +When Ory or Aurora enters a burrow, prompt for stance switching is shown
    +QoL: The ready to hatch prompt now has the ability key specified in the prompt
    +Added Playstation controller button toggle in the controls settings
    +Added icons for mouse keys
    +Lowered the sandiness/muddiness etc. height on tall creatures
    +Reset all talents, and transferred inherits in Mosa's Powerful Jaw to Adrenaline
    +Added Console Command list to Help Menu

    Balance Changes
    +The Clotting talent now also increases the rate at which you heal venom
    +Acro, Ichthy, Wiehen, Pachy, Ptera, Rex, Velo, Tropeo, Coah, Megaraptor, each Palaeophis specialization, Elasmo, Mosa, Krono, and Archelon now all have Keen Olfactory in the S-3.3 talent of their tree. It now additionally improves the sensitivity and range of detecting other creatures on the compass while using scent

    +Balance: Apato takes 35% less venom damage from all sources
    +Balance: Improved Apatosaurus kick hitboxes
    +Balance: Increased Apato's Neck Sweep attack base damage by 25% and further increased injury damage from this attack by 50% more

    +Balance: Increased Elasmo's max camera zoom distance by 20%

    +Balance: Increased Ichthy's base health to 825, up from 750
    +Balance: Increased Ichthy's base bite damage to 105, up from 95. This also increases dart damage.
    +Balance: Increased Ichthy's claw swipe base damage to 140, up from 125

    +Balance: Reduced the Ability, Stamina, and Breath cost of Mosasaurus' Dart by 40%
    +Balance: Increased Mosasaurus' thrash drown damage by 30%
    +Balance: Mosasaurus' thrash no longer deals any damage type other than drown damage
    +Balance: Mosasaurus now has Adrenaline in place of Asphyxiation, and Asphyxiation has replaced Powerful Neck. The talent Powerful Neck no longer has any application due to the removal of thrash damage.
    +Added new talent: Archerfish. Archerfish allows a Mosasaurus to spit water at another creature, knocking it back and inflicting a small amount of damage. This ability is activated on the Special key. Holding the Special key down displays an aiming cursor that turns blue if the attack will hit a target. You can Water Spit while swimming if your head is near the surface of the water. Additionally, you can use Water Spit once after leaving the water. After using it once while out of the water, you must return to water to use it again. More talents invested into the talent greatly increase the range and knockback power of the ability. Can hit multiple targets at once. Hits in a 30 degree cone in the direction you're looking, but cannot be used while looking backwards. Close targets will be hit with a wider cone angle.
    -You can now cancel Water Spit by pressing RMB or LMB while aiming Water Spit
    -Note that this talent has been added in a new talent socket, located in the Survival part of the Mosasaurus' talent tree. It is a tier 3 talent, and allows you to go from Thick Hide to Forager while bypassing Strong Bones.
    -If knocked into the air by Water Spit, you are immune to fall damage until you land
    -The Malawania playable critter also has Archerfish

    +Balance: Increased Pachy charge hitbox size and moved it down so it hits smaller creatures more easily

    +Increased Sai's swimming turn rate by 20%

    +Balance: Swapped the positions of Nest Raider and Acrobat on the Velo's talent tree

    Bug Fixes
    +Fixed: Wie's identification ability now properly shows bleed, injury and venom levels
    +Fixed: Wie's identification no longer has two shadow backgrounds behind food value
    +Fixed: Tendon Tear no longer starts charging again and activates twice if you have LMB held down right when the currently active charge bite ends its animation
    +Fixed: Acro swim idle should feel less stiff now
    +Fixed: Apatosaurus No Jewelery Variant's Glow
    +Fixed: Wiehenvenator can now apply Tendon Tear to grouped players if they are dueling one-another
    +Fixed: Issue where grabbed players would sometimes disconnect from the grabbing creature's jaw and float around
    +Fixed: If a player gets disconnected from a server because it has not yet initialized, it no longer tells them they have been banned.
    +Fixed: Resting Cooldown is no longer removed upon death, allowing players to rest for longer than intended if they died in Death's Blessing world events
    +Fixed: The Dangerous Location and Point of Interest music tracks now properly attenuate their volume in response to the in-game music volume slider
    +Fixed: Steam Deck's Proton layer to support devices with over 16GB of RAM
    +Fixed: Player can no longer click hud items when the chat is open to cause the venom icon to appear
    +Fixed: Player can no longer resize the hud elements by opening chat and right clicking on hud elements
    +Fixed: Pressing T while in the save select talent tree preview no longer causes the cursor to disappear
    +Fixed: Aquatics no longer take a breath of air if they're already at 100% air while out of water
    +Fixed: Being kicked by a para while you are transitioning between a sitting, standing, or lying state no longer results in a jam that prevents you from sitting back down again
    +Fixed: Servers under very heavy load no longer start blocking all attempts by players to deal damage
    +Fixed: Tornado should no longer crash the server when it dies to natural causes (dehydration)
    +Fixed: Possessing a tornado with possessentity should no longer crash the client
    +Fixed: An issue that would cause carcasses and fat plants to be much more likely to spawn in the middle of the map rather than along the edges
    +Fixed: Carcasses, fat plants, and abandoned eggs can now spawn on Isla Titania's Ashen Island
    +Fixed: Moving HUD elements should be easier now. The new location should match the cursor location better and moving HUD elements long distances should no longer make them go out of screen
    +Fixed: Excessively loud ambient sounds while loading into a server
    +Fixed: Sai's taunt cue sound should now broadcast properly to other players
    +Fixed: Archelon no longer appears in the Herbivore tab on the main menu's creature editor
    +Fixed: Main menu properly closes when Creature Editor is selected
    +Fixed: All main menu buttons should have proper UI click sound and on hovered sound
    +Fixed: Players no longer quickly teleport to the map origin and back under certain circumstances when being released from a grab
    +Fixed: Elasmo's head and body movement now transitions smoothly when it looks behind itself and back and forth

    Additional Patchnote Languages

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