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  • [BoB News] Return of the Giants

    Return of the Giants!
    Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus Specializations
    In this update, players will now be able to choose between two specializations for our playable Apatosaurus creature class.

    Note that when the Apatosaurus is referred to in a general sense, it means the Apatosaurus creature class. When the context refers to the Apatosaurus specialization, it will be specified in this way.

    The Apatosaurus specialization will be very similar to how the Apatosaurus played prior to the Rise of the Earthbreakers update back in April, 2022. Its stats, attacks, talent tree, and, of course, its size have been restored to its previous glory through the new Specialization mechanic! I personally went back and found the apato update patch and took all the old stats and put them onto the Apatosaurus specialization, and we've been digging through old bob stuff making sure we got other aspects of its stats right too. It should be as similar to the original, large, slow, heavy-hitting apato with ginormous health as we could manage to get it to be.

    Additionally, we know a lot of players very much liked the Rise of the Earthbreakers update where we made the Apatosaurus faster, smaller, swifter, and have a wider variety of attacks such as its neck sweep and kick in place of stomp. This is why we have added the Brontosaurus specialization. Brontosaurus is a specialization of Apatosaurus that can be selected under the Apatosaurus playable on the dino select screen. It is exactly the same as public branch current Apatosaurus. It has all the same stats, the same size, and the same attacks as public branch Apatosaurus. It does, however, have a new look.

    Here are a few things to note about what we're doing here:

    The Apatosaurus specialization has stomp as its Left mouse button and tail whip as its Right mouse button.
    The Brontosaurus specialization has neck sweep as its Ability, tail whip as its RMB, and kick as its LMB.

    The Apatosaurus specialization uses the current Apatosaurus model.
    The Brontosaurus specialization has kick as its Left mouse button, tail whip as its Right mouse button, and neck sweep as its Ability.

    All Apatosaurus skins are compatible between both the Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus model, and the skins will swap seamlessly between the two. The Apato's quills on its head will map to the color customization channels used to change the Bronto's spikes. The Bronto, additionally, has a new customization layer that lets players change the color of its osteoderms.

    Bronto and Apato can mate just as Palaeophis can. The mother's specialization is used for the hatchlings, and all specialization-specific stuff related to Palaeophis applies to Apatosaurus as well.

    Bronto and Apato can group, as they're technically the same creature type internally.

    Apato and Bronto share the same animations, skins, and several of the same sounds.

    Specialization Resets
    When players log onto a saved Apatosaurus, they will be given a one-time specialization change. You have the option of choosing to stay with the Apatosaurus specialization, swap to Brontosaurus specialization, or decide later if you want to do more research. If undecided, you default to the Apatosaurus specialization until you consume the one-time specialization change. It can be accessed by opening the Character menu.

    There is also a console command named resetspecialization accessible through the admin permissions ModifyTalents that allows server admins to give players another specialization change. Server admins are free to use this console command however they see fit to meet the wishes and needs of their players.

    Talent Inherits and Specialization Resets
    The talent trees between Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus are different. I've created some new code that remaps talent point inherits from one tree to another. It handles inherit transfers in this order. First, any talent points in the new tree you have talent inherits in already will transfer over. Next, any talent points you have inherits in will try to place into the talent that replaced it on that talent's location in the talent tree, but only if that talent does not exist elsewhere in the new tree. Finally, any remaining inherits map to talents in the new tree that don't exist in the old tree. This was the cleanest and fairest way I could figure out to allow talent trees to swap while preserving a player's inherits. If you swap specializations, an inherit remap will occur.

    Other New Things
    +The Ichthyovenator has been given its new model! It now has an elder morph. It also has a totally new set of animations.
    +The Ichthyovenator now has a taunt it can play while swimming if it has visited all major deity shrines on the map
    +The Ichthyovenator now has a dance it can do while on land if you own the BoB OST. The dance was referenced from a video created by Arturo García, which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FHkdCASH7I
    +Added Ichthy juvenile Roar, Friendly, Aggressive, Distress, Submissive, Death, and Pain sounds. They play at full value when at 0.45 growth or below. At 1.2 growth and above, they have fully faded out.

    +Added offshoot cave entrance connecting Racing River to Northern Falls River.
    +Added flier and land player spawns on Titan's Rise (West)

    Admin Changes
    +Added new consolecommand, ResetSpecialization, with ModifyTalents admin permission requirement. It allows resetting the specialization on a provided player name or ID
    +When a specialization is reset, the player's character will be flagged as having a specialization reset available. This will show up on the Character menu. When used, it will bring up a menu that allows the player to swap specializations. Once used, it will no longer be available.
    +When specializations are changed, talents with inherits will remap in the following way:
    -Talents that exist in the tree of the new specialization will keep their inherits
    -Talents that replace a talent at the same socket will receive inherits so long as the talent that was replaced does not exist elsewhere in the new specialization tree
    -Remaining talent inherits will be transferred to any remaining talents that weren't covered in the above-two checks. If the new tree has less talents than the old tree, talents with inherits will be prioritized when being remapped.

    QoL Changes
    +Added two more save slots to all player save profiles, bringing the total save slot count up to 10 per server
    +Any Apatosaurus will receive a one-time specialization reset upon being logged into. This state is saved, so if the specialization swap is not used during the first login session, it will persist until the player uses it. It can be found by opening the Character menu while playing as the saved Apatosaurus. If you'd like to decide to swap specializations later, you can select the "Decide Later" button on the prompt that is displayed when you open the Character screen. Note that selecting "No" when asked whether you'd like to change your specialization will consume the specialization reset and keep you at the current specialization you are, which, by default, is Apatosaurus, not Brontosaurus.
    +All players will receive a talent point reset in this patch.
    +Updated Flier Warpaints so that the underside of the wings has pattern + bio (by Valhalla)
    +WIP implementation of Hungarian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese localizations
    +Restored the Long Roar, Aggressive, Death, Idle, and Pain sound effects (for high, medium and low pitches) from the old Apatosaurus variant for the Apatosaurus specialization
    +Doubled the net-relevance range on the fat plant actor so they are easier to find on Apa
    +Added some more UI sounds to UI's that lacked them such as the keybinds menu
    +Added an Official Server Rules button on the Escape Menu and Save Selection that opens up the Official Server Rules list
    +Updated taskbar icon, and splash screen that shows when the game launches

    Mechanics Changes
    +Adjusted the coefficients on the talents Metabolism and Hydration such that they're less polarizing. At 5/3, they both now reduce food or water drain rate by 25%
    +Experimental changes to server bandwidth that may improve net performance on crowded servers

    Balance Changes
    Apatosaurus Specialization
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a walk speed of 175, down from Bronto's of 200
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a sprint speed of 280, down from Bronto's of 470
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swim walk speed of 120, down from Bronto's of 200
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swim sprint speed of 200, down from Bronto's of 300
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a base health of 6000, up from Bronto's of 4200
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a tail whip damage of 333, up from Bronto's of 175
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a stomp damage of 800
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization's tail reaches further along its sides than Bronto's
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a turn rate of 25, down from Bronto's of 45
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swimming turn rate of 20, down from Bronto's of 35
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a weight of 5000, up from Bronto's of 3300
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a water drain rate of 0.5, down from Bronto's of 0.7
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a food drain rate of 0.7, down from Bronto's of 0.8
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a base heal rate of 27, up from Bronto's of 18
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a model scale that is 30% larger than Bronto's
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization now has its original talent tree. Strong Legs has been added in the new M3.1 speed talent socket
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization does not deal reduced tail whip damage to Saichania
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization can now knockback Saichania with its trample
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is immune to creatures that are flying
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization now ignores Coah's frill shield when attacking it
    +Balance: +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is now immune to being grabbed when above 0.9 growth
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is immune to trample knockback from the Bronto specialization
    +Balance: Further increased Apatosaurus specialization trample knockback by 100%
    +Balance: Increased Apatosaurus Specialization Ability pool size to 135, up from 120
    +Balance: Saichania is immune to the Brontosaurus specialization tail whip knockback.
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization now has a 25% slower Ability power drain rate while aiming its tail
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization has a tail whip that has a 2 second cooldown, up from 1.2 seconds on Bronto
    +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization tail aims differently, and whips further up alongside the Apato than previously
    +Balance: Added Metabolism and Hydration to the Apatosaurus specialization talent sockets S3.1 and S3.3

    Bug Fixes
    +Fixed: Aquatic Palaeo hatchlings now properly show out of air status instead of dehydrated status after hatching
    +Fixed: Aquatic Palaeophis fresh spawns now spawn with full health
    +Fixed: Having Vsync enabled while also capping FPS should no longer cause the infamous CurrentFence + 1 crash
    -It's recommended to run the game with Vsync DISABLED and match max fps with the display frequency (normally 60)
    +Fixed: Swapping between windowed and fullscreen mode no longer causes lower-end gpus to crash
    +Fixed: SM_BushA_02 and SM_BushA_02_Dry no longer have collision when placed with the foliage placement tool
    +Fixed: The Palaeophis now exits the coiled state when grabbed, which prevents some buggy behavior from occurring
    +Fixed: Elasmo's lily cosmetics now disappear when you enter Elusive
    +Fixed: SM_Pillar_2x3 no longer improperly tiles its texture after an instance of it is undone or erased
    +Fixed: Freshly spawned Archelon and Aquatic Palaeophis now spawn in the water
    +Fixed: “There is no escape” no longer stays on screen while changing characters if it is on screen
    +Fixed: 'Out of bounds' message should no longer get stuck on the screen after the player dies to it
    +Fixed: Pressing escape in creature select and pressing escape again no longer causes the cursor to disappear
    +Fixed: Pressing escape to close the 'go back to main menu' or 'close game' prompt properly brings the focus back onto the character menu or main menu without needing to click the UI
    +Fixed: Issue where the skins would sometimes get layers locked together during nesting or reincarnation. One layer would appear to drive the texture channel of another and result in skins missing customization layers that should normally be present.
    +Fixed: Snake Senses no longer show stats on creatures that are using elusive
    +Fixed: Achievements / Mutation gallery should no longer get stuck with the back button and Escape key doing nothing
    +Fixed: Achievements / Mutation gallery now has proper UI hover and click sounds
    +Maybe fix: Steam profile icons in the playerlist should be mostly loaded for the first time once the playerlist is opened instead of everyone being question marks.
    +Fixed: Resetting all keybinds multiple times in a row should no longer cause some of the keybinds to turn into duplicates. For example with forward and back keybinds there should be just one W and one S keybind instead of W W or S S
    +Fixed: Resetting all keybinds multiple times in a row should no longer cause some of the keybinds to turn into None. For example with forward and back keybind it kept losing W and S but the left analog stick would work fine.
    +Fixed: Clearing a keybind and immediately setting a new one should now accept the new keybind properly
    +Fixed: Changing between playstation and xbox button layouts apply immediately on controls UI without needing to close the UI first
    +Fixed: Ichthy now plays its death sound when it dies rather than the eating sound

    Additional Patchnote Languages:

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