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  • [Isle News] Patch 0.15.191 is now available!

    Hey Islanders,

    It's time venture back into The Isle to explore a myriad of new features and locations. Delve into the Mutations system and adapt your animal to survive and thrive across multiple generations. Look your best and stand out from the pack with an array of new skin patterns. Sink your claws into the competition with the Omniraptor's new grapple mechanic, or for those who prefer defense, join the herd as the Diabloceratops, a robust and formidable herbivore that always faces a threat.

    You may need to restart your Steam client if the update does not make itself immediately available to download.


    Updated server owner configs:
    [expand type=details expanded=false] [/script/theisle.tigamesession]
    ServerName="Server name here" // Server name.
    MaxPlayerCount=100 // 100+ player servers is not recommended.
    bEnableHumans=false // Set to true if you want to run around with a flashlight and kick an animal.
    bQueueEnabled=false // Enable queue if server slots are all filled.
    QueuePort=1000 // Queue port. This port must be open if Queueing is enabled.
    bServerPassword=false // Set to true if you want a server password.
    ServerPassword="password here" // Your server password.
    bRconEnabled=true // Enable RCON.
    RconPassword="password here" // RCON password. Do not give this out.
    bServerDynamicWeather=true // Temporarily disabled. Changing this will do nothing.
    ServerDayLengthMinutes=45 // Set in minutes.
    ServerNightLengthMinutes=20 // Set in minutes.
    bServerWhitelist=false // Set the server whitelist. If true, will look for whitelistID's in the above category.
    bEnableGlobalChat=false // Enabling the Global Chat panel.
    bSpawnPlants=true // Enable plant food spawns.
    bSpawnAI=true // Enable AI spawns.
    AISpawnInterval=40 // Set how frequently AI can spawn in seconds.
    bEnableMigration=true // Enable patrol zones, species migrations, and mass migrations.
    MaxMigrationTime=5400 // Value is in seconds. This controls how long the migration zones should last.
    GrowthMultiplier=1 - Universal multiplier for growth. Putting this number too high will break it. Recommendation is no higher than 20, even for lulz.
    bEnableMutations=true // Enable mutations.

    AdminsSteamIDs=Admin steam ID here // SteamID64 format
    WhitelistIDs=White list steam ID here // SteamID64 format. NOTE: Must be enabled in the game session below. Keep this empty if whitelist is disabled
    // List of all enabled classes. Remove a line to remove a class from spawning. - Can also be managed in Admin Panel in real time.

    // List of all enabled mutations and values. Keep commented out to have all mutations enabled. Enabling any mutations means you must include all mutations you would like available on your server. Listed below are all modifiable mutations with default values. Altering these values may produce unstable gameplay.
    // EnabledMutations=Hemomania, 0.05
    // EnabledMutations=Hematophagy, 0.25
    // EnabledMutations=Accelerated Prey Drive, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Xerocole Adaptation, 0.2
    // EnabledMutations=Hypervigilance, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Truculency, 0.2
    // EnabledMutations=Osteophagic, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Photosynthetic Regeneration, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Cellular Regeneration, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Advanced Gestation, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Sustained Hydration, 0.2
    // EnabledMutations=Enlarged meniscus, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Efficient Digestion, 0.2
    // EnabledMutations=Featherweight, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Osteosclerosis, 0.2
    // EnabledMutations=Wader, 0.25
    // EnabledMutations=Epidermal Fibrosis, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Congenital Hypoalgesia, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Photosynthetic Tissue, 0.05
    // EnabledMutations=Nocturnal, 0.05
    // EnabledMutations=Hydroregenerative, 0.25
    // EnabledMutations=Increased Inspiratory Capacity, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Hydrodynamic, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Submerged Optical Retention, 0.05
    // EnabledMutations=Infrasound Communication, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Augmented Tapetum, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Hypermetabolic Inanition, 0.15
    // EnabledMutations=Tactile Endurance, 0.5
    // EnabledMutations=Gastronomic Regeneration, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Heightened Ghrelin, 0.25
    // EnabledMutations=Prolific Reproduction, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Enhanced Digestion, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Reinforced Tendons, 0.1
    // EnabledMutations=Multichambered Lungs, 0.05
    // EnabledMutations=Reabsorption, 1 ****** // Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Pit Organ, 1 ******// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Cannibalistic, 1 ******// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Barometric Sensitivity, 1 ******// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Social Behavior, 1 *****// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Traumatic Thrombosis, 1 *****// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Reniculate Kidneys, 1 *****// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.
    // EnabledMutations=Paratrepsis, 1 ****// Value must be 1 or remove from this list to disable it.

    // Add the names of each AI class that should be disabled, one line for each.
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Compsognathus
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Pterodactylus
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Boar
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Deer
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Goat
    // DisallowedAIClasses=Seaturtle[/expand]

    • Added physics foliage to settings menu
    • Added grapple system for omniraptor pounce
    • Added new open body mechanic (tap E 3x)
    • Added mutations
    • Added new skin patterns
    • Added unstuck command
    • Added conditions for more animals to knock food from trees with their abilities
    • Added growth to hypsilophodon
    • Added new admin spectator mode option
    • Added south plains sanctuary
    • Updated chat UI
    • Allowed semi-aquatics to swallow on the surface of water while moving
    • Updated gallimimus trot speed and animations
    • Adjusted character display in server list to show status of character and tooltip
    • Character display in server list now shows different states for low hunger and thirst
    • Replaced deinosuchus by diabloceratops in omniraptor's diet
    • Added diabloceratops to deinosuchus's diet
    • Increased troodon envenomation potency
    • Adjusted plant spawn slope check
    • Updated lunge balance values
    • Adjusted migration zones plant spawn proportions
    • Reduced troodon's pounce latch stamina cost
    • Updated beipiaosaurus swim stamina values
    • Reduced beipiaosaurus surface swimming speed
    • Adjusted visual and weight growth of the stegosaurus to be more consistent
    • Slightly increased stegosaurus growth time to be in line with other animals
    • Reduced corpse total existing time from 45 to 35mins
    • Improved camera lock during grazing
    • Adjusted the speed of which the mud effect is removed by swimming and rain
    • Players can no longer swallow food whole if it would cause them to vomit. Players can still manually overeat food sources on the ground and will vomit
    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed audio crash and stutters
    • Fixed organs and meat chunks falling through the floor
    • Fixed ceratosaurus manual vomit animation
    • Fixed skin creator resolution scale issues
    • Fixed interrupt vocals not working for all clients
    • Fixed various instances where stagger montages were not playing
    • Fixed ceratosaurus mouth animation resetting when taking damage
    • Fixed thirst going up in saltwater after swimming directly into it from freshwater
    • Fixed carnotaurus drag animation visual issue
    • Fixed up/down attacks only triggering when falling down
    • Fixed recoil animations not playing when being latched
    • Fixed gallimimus clipping when scenting and resting
    • Fixed knockdown direction issues with certain weights
    • Fixed animal sprint animations playing at 2x speed
    • Fixed AI sliding
    • Fixed the "hold to sleep" hint sometimes not disappearing
    • Fixed night time config not being respected
    • Fixed dinosaurs not playing the pinned animation when pinned during the vomit animation
    • Fixed carnotaurus charging jitter
    • Fixed human select issue in UI if clicking back on zone spawn list
    • Fixed gallimimus mouth issues while in skin preview
    • Fixed pinned target animation resetting when let go from a pounce by a player if it is still being pounced by other players
    • Fixed rain displaying through water
    • Fixed carnotaurus bite sound cut off
    • Fixed ceratosaurus damage multiplier when releasing RMB to attack
    • Fixed some animation issues when walking after using scent
    • Fixed beipiaosaurus playing its swimming vocal animations after surfacing
    • Fixed sensitivity slider ranges
    • Fixed blind related crash
    • Fixed flung animations playing twice
    • Fixed auto game restart when changing settings that need it
    • Fixed an issue with prelobby character displays
    • Fixed AI spawning inside some larger rocks
    • Fixed the ability to thrash while dragging
    • Fixed deinosuchus and ceratosaurus vomiting when drinking saltwater
    • Fixed juvenile deinosuchus bite sound playing twice
    • Fix to vocal type sounds still spawning underwater
    • Fix to some issues caused by swallowed/Grabbed objects
    • Fixed various issues with body impact sounds
    • Fixed courted dinosaur names sometimes not being set
    • Fixed being able to court while in spar mode
    • Fixed scaling issues of various locomotion vfx
    • Fixed safe logout not being interrupted when resting is interrupted
    • Fixed corpses becoming stuck to deinosuchus face after killing via lunge
    • Fixed deinosuchus calls crossfade from hatchling to juvenile
    • Fixed hatchlings able to open corpses
    • Fixed calls not working if very far away
    • Fixed stegosaurus impale not working
    • Fixed juvenile stegosaurus dig and bite animations deforming the mesh
    • Fixed food inconsistencies on plants and plant chunks
    • Fixed a camera lockup after being woken up from sleeping
    • Fixed domes render
    • Fixed eggs not shaking when hatching
    • Fixed tree texture and collision issues
    • Fixed beipiaosaurus deformation on skin customization screen
    • Fixed attacks sometimes not detecting hitboxes properly
    • Fixed attacks continuing after recoil
    • Fixed tail tip hitboxes
    • Fixed not being able to hit schooling fish
    • Fixed some effects not playing properly while swimming
    • Fixed pteranodon drag animations
    • Fixed meat chunks ragdoll resetting while being carried
    • Fixed pachycephalosaurus ram being blocked while pounced
    • Fixed rare issues with nest detection
    • Fixed some hypsilophodon sounds not modulating pitch with age
    • Fixed deinosuchus juvenile bite audio not playing sometimes
    • Fixed hypsilophodon using the wrong animation for rotten eggs
    • Fixed juvenile hypsilophodon spit
    • Fixed to ceratosaurus bite cancelling the audio for other clients
    • Fixed thrashed organs not being interactable
    • Fixed carried items scaling with growth of the carrier
    • Fixed chicken not playing pinned animation
    • Fixed juvenile gallimimus jaw issue on skin preview
    • Fixed pteranodon not taking damage when flying into the ground
    • Fixed hypsilophodon stamina regeneration after jumping
    • Fixed plant pieces and debris rotation after being dropped while carrying
    • Fixed players getting dusty from laying on any material
    • Fixed chat history box remaining open indefinitely after typing
    • Fixed after vomiting and safe logging, vomit sickness not healing off with time
    • Fixed players are unable to eat if they let hypsilophodon spit fade away
    • Fixed pachycephalosaurus being able to ram while in water
    • Fixed bodies sometimes emitting loud audio after being dragged
    • Fixed jungle ambient foliage volumes
    • Fixed stegosaurus attack power at adult
    • Fixed stegosaurus power swing recoiling when it shouldn't
    • Fixed drowning causing to be kicked
    • Fixed server sometimes not finding the nest to hatch from
    • Fixed unpairing while laying eggs
    • Fixed not being able to wash off hyspilophodon blindness when swimming
    • Fixed hyspilophodon blindness not washing off underwater
    • Fixed pounce not properly latching to target if too close
    • Fixed being unable to slide while biting
    • Fixed herrerasaurus climb up animation ending prematurely
    • Fixed gallimimus jittering after using the mobilize boost
    • Fixed fall damage not triggering
    • Fixed hypsilophodon eyebrows not being colored on A and B patterns
    • Fixed underwater waterfall sounds not attenuating
    • Fixed being unable to pounce humans from the front
    • Fixed inconsistent character acceleration when holding sprint
    • Fixed the gallimimus neck clipping into its body after using the mobilize ability
    • Fixed the juvenile deinosuchus sinking animation
    • Fixed replication issue on destructible fences
    • Fixed hypsilophodon's feet sliding when grazing
    • Fixed breath sounds not scaling with age

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