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  • [Isle News] Patch 0.17.54 is now available!

    Hey Islanders,

    A new patch has spread to the Evrima Public Branch and thank you to everyone that survived our recent Hordetest! While we hope that you enjoy the update, a friendly warning to any server admins that may click the new button: There is no cure.

    Version 0.17.54

    Updated Game.Ini for Server Owners
    [expand type=details expanded=false][/script/theisle.tigamestatebase]
    AdminsSteamIDs=Admin steam ID here
    WhitelistIDs=White list steam ID here
    EnabledMutations=(MutationName="Enlarged meniscus",EffectValue=1

    ServerName="Server name here" //Server name.
    MaxPlayerCount=100 //100+ player servers is not recommended.
    bEnableHumans=false //
    bQueueEnabled=false //Enable queue if server slots are all filled.
    QueuePort=10000 //Queue port.
    bServerPassword=false //Set to true if you want a server password.
    ServerPassword="password here" //Your server password if enabled.
    bRconEnabled=true //Enable RCON.
    RconPassword="password here" //RCON password if enabled
    RconPort=8888 //Default port used in game, can´t change
    bServerDynamicWeather=true //Enable/Disable Weather variation
    MinWeatherVariationInterval=600 //Set in seconds how often to switch weather
    MaxWeatherVariationInterval=900 //Set in seconds how often to switch weather
    ServerDayLengthMinutes=45 //Set in minutes.
    ServerNightLengthMinutes=20 //Set in minutes.
    bServerWhitelist=false //Set the server whitelist.
    bEnableGlobalChat=false //Enabling the Global Chat panel.
    bSpawnPlants=true //Enable plant food spawns.
    PlantSpawnMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how many plants to spawn, rise this value to increase plant spawn amount
    bSpawnAI=true //Enable AI spawns.
    AISpawnInterval=40 //Set how frequently AI can spawn in seconds.
    bEnableMigration=true //Disable/Enable Migrations, include Patrols and Mass
    SpeciesMigrationTime=10800 //Max time a species MZ stays active
    bEnableMassMigration=true //Enable/Disable Mass migration
    MassMigrationTime=43200 //Value is in seconds 12h - How often new mass migration is set
    MassMigrationDisableTime=7200 // Value is in seconds 2h - How long a mass migration last once set
    bEnablePatrolZones=true //Enable/Disable PatrolZone system
    bEnableDiets=true //Enable/Disable diets, no more buffs
    GrowthMultiplier=1 //Recommendation is no higher than 20.
    bEnableMutations=true //Enable mutations.
    bAllowRecordingReplay=true //Enable replays.
    bUseRegionSpawning=false //Enable region spawn
    bUseRegionSpawnCooldown=true //Enable region cooldown
    RegionSpawnCooldownTimeSeconds=600 //Region cooldown max time.
    CorpseDecayMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how fast corpses decay to despawn - Reduce value to be faster[/expand]

    Setup new gestation system. Players now need to gestate eggs before laying them (Contained in nest screen)
    Gestated eggs will now show in corpses if they are not laid in a nest
    Added the ability to pickup/eat/swallow/steal eggs from nests
    Added Elite Fish AI charge attack
    Added new nutrient math to take effect as soon as they are consumed
    Added new diet math
    Added new diet combinations
    Adjusted Growth Bonus to reach a maximum of 300%
    Added Mass Migration
    Added new Mutations for Halloween Event and admin command for infecting a player (Infections persist through logout. Dead dinosaurs do not)
    Updated VFX to Niagara
    Added a way to set an active nutrient from Status Screen for use in salt licks and other nutrient modifiers
    Added Egg icons to scent
    Added vocal curve to pterodactylus call sound
    Added new plant food types
    Added "bEnableDiets" as a server config. Disabling this will remove diets and buffs from the game configuration.
    Added "bEnableMassMigration" as a server config. Disabling this will remove mass migrations from the game configuration.
    Added "MassMigrationTime" as a server config. This manipulates how often mass migration should update with a new one
    Added "MassMigrationDisableTime" as a server config. This manipulates how long mass migration stays active after being set (in seconds). Keep in mind that during this time no Species Migrations or Patrol Zones will trigger.
    Added "bEnablePatrolZones" as a server config. Disabling this will remove patrol zones from the game configuration.
    Added "CorpseDecayMultiplier" as a server config. Lowering this speeds up corpse decay time. 0.1 is 10x faster decay. Edit at your own risk.
    Added "PlantSpawnMultiplier" as a server config. Value of 2 is 200% increased spawn rate. Edit at your own risk.
    Gateway - Docks area expansion
    Gateway - Added additional salt lick locations

    Prevented psittacosaurus from being able to be hit or killed while inside its burrow or while it's burrowing by pachycephalosaurus ram attack
    Fixed drink hint sometimes appearing slowly
    Stegosaurus impale attacks have been moved to directional attacks
    Stegosaurus power swing cooldown has been removed
    Improved organs ragdoll performance
    Made RCON accept EOS or Steam ID in any instance to avoid confusion
    Adjusted the pounce point behind diabloceratops' head
    Reduced juvenile pachycephalosaurus attract call volume
    Stopped deinosuchus danger call occluding in water
    Adjusted ceratosaurus trot footstep synchronized effects
    Changed math for ceratosaurus vomit to skip fresh time for that corpse and immediately begin decomposing it
    Adjusted admin pawn NV to see itself on spectator mode
    Updated DLSS
    Slightly reduced herrerasaurus pounce attack sound volume
    Improved troodon venom pounce loop sounds
    Improved random venom vocal sounds immersion
    Made "Enlarged Meniscus" work proportionally
    Reduced diabloceratops movement speed in spar mode when moving diagonally backwards
    Reduced ceratosaurus' applied bacteria by half
    Made admin commands more responsive
    Increased grace period for bucking to knockdown pouncers to 2s
    Adjusted ceratosaurus' damage negation while eating to not take its defense buff into account before ignoring damage
    Added boar attack vocal sounds to animations
    Patrol zones now disable themselves if empty of food
    Fixed the escape menu sometimes not working
    Fixed camera lock rotation sometimes resetting itself
    Fixed players disappearing when sitting over rocks or mesh collisions at too far of a distance
    Fixed pounce latch attack damage not scaling properly with growth
    Fixed pterodactylus corpse event animation jitter when eating
    Fixed some fractured animations not playing properly
    Fixed gallimimus fractured animations sliding
    Fixed brightness commands not working in admin panel
    Fixed chat remaining on screen forever after sending or receiving messages
    Fixed drink hint sometimes showing up on mud pits
    Fixed gallimimus ragdoll not working properly
    Fixed not being able to open a corpse if hallucinating
    Fixed migration zone logic to avoid species being sent to multiple zones
    Fixed wrong name of group member displaying when broadcasting from far away
    Fixed not being able to remove EOS ID bans from the admin panel
    Fixed ban times showing as UTC on clients
    Fixed corpses not floating properly if dropped while being carried in water
    Fixed ragdolls not working with certain physics collisions
    Fixed hatchling deinosuchus call sounds
    Fixed hatchling deinosuchus broadcast sounds
    Fixed mudpools occluding other footstep sounds
    Fixed decals appearing on russula mushrooms
    Fixed "Hydrodynamic Mutation" affecting flight speed
    Fixed carnotaurus being able to instantly CC with charge
    Fixed dilophosaurus hallucination sliding while moving and using vocals
    Fixed jackfruits so that they now bounce off of trees to prevent them getting stuck
    Fixed juvenile stegosaurus walk, trot and sprint animation being too fast
    Fixed meat chunks, schooling fish, and organs not rotting
    Fixed the "Go To" admin command not working while an admin is in spectator mode
    Fixed weather variation toggle server config not working and added min and max intervals for server configs
    Fixed the hypsilophodon carrying animation
    Fixed diabloceratops being able to use directional attacks during the engage attack
    Fixed diabloceratops being able to activate blocking while sprinting
    Fixed diabloceratops diagonal forward spar sprint animations
    Fixed pounce ending due to killing pinned target not replicating animation properly
    Fixed river PP not updating fast enough when player jumps in water
    Fixed droplets not working during rain
    Fixed inconsistencies with carnotaurus hit conditions
    Fixed hallucination fog remaining if healed during spectator mode
    Fixed schooling fish not showing as a diet type
    Fixed an issue where you would vomit again if eating immediately after vomiting
    Fixed stomach warning UI not showing when close to vomit
    Fixed rabbit sprint animation not playing properly
    Fixed "Social Behaviour" mutation not allowing max group size changes
    Fixed Mass Migration Zone not showing in compass
    Fixed 'Hematophagy' and 'Xerocole Adaptation" amount not scaling properly with growth
    Fixed some Animal AI sounds not playing
    Fixed Patrol zones not swapping if there is only one player online

    View the full article

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