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Gaian-Commander last won the day on December 9 2024

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About Gaian-Commander

  • Birthday 03/19/1999

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    The Rookie
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    In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins
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    Spider-Man 2 from Insomniac


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  1. He didn't want to stay still.
  2. Giganotosaurus cause it be the coolest dino and could rival the T-Rex
  3. Yeesh. That is unfortunate because holding one is an experience. Scaly on top but their underside is so smooth.
  4. I went to my local zoo today and noticed they had albino alligators available. Seeing how rare an albino animal is, I knew I had to go see one and the cost was just under $40, but it was so worth it. Around 2:20 PM I got the very rare opportunity to not only learn more about the alligator, who's named Nero, but more about albinism, which I learned that they need to be in shade otherwise they burn in the sun. There are only one hundred albino alligators in the world and my zoo had TWO of them. Why are there only a hundred in the world? This is because albinism is a recessive gene, meaning it doesn't not show up unless both parents have the gene themselves, even if they're not albino. The other reason is because in the wild, they do not last long because they are more easily seen by predators and have no camouflage to protect them from the predators. This significantly reduces their chances of survival but if they can survive, they will be a once in a life time opportunity to see. Getting to hold one is even rarer. I will definitely be trying to hold them again the next time I go to the zoo again. This was an amazing opportunity to have and I'm thankful for the opportunity. However, I must stress that you do NOT try to hold an alligator from the wild because they are very dangerous predators. All of this was done under trained professionals. Alligators are deadly and dangerous.
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