When does your pet drink more water?

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Baby Dino
New Member First 100! Egg
Apr 27, 2024
Have you been able to find out when your pets seem to be drinking more water? Do you think they drink more water during winter or summer seasons?

What other activities that they engage in which usually have them feeling thirsty for water?


Our girls Alice and Missy (cats) both drink a lot more water in the summer heat. Sometimes we have to fill their water bowl up twice a day.

P.S. My wife and I always have the air on in the summer, but the girls still drink a lot of water.
P.S. My wife and I always have the air on in the summer, but the girls still drink a lot of water.
Here in Texas, even if I set my AC to 65, it rarely goes below 85... Lol it gets HOT. Especially last summer and this summer with being two of the hottest on record.